Hello dear followers!
Welcome to my vivacious page! It's been such a long time since the last time I posted here. But I'm here once again to share such precious knowledge with you. Today I will be talking about corpus integration into tasks that are designed for students to manage their own learning.
Corpus integration is mainly useful for the discovery learning of the students. It enables them to come across with authentic materials, providing them with the sentences that the phrase they are looking for is in. They basically learn the words in real-life context.
Similarly, in our task, we were supposed to prepare activities encouraging students to use corupus to recognize the differences between some confusing phrases or words. My teammate Sena Haylamaz and I decided to choose the verbs “earn” and “win.” These two verbs were mentioned as a separate section in the coursebook we analyzed. That's why we also thought we needed to focus on this aspect. Our aim was for students to focus on the correct use of these two verbs. These verbs seemed confusing since students might think that they could be used interchangeably. So we focused on making students realize their differences in various sentences.
Our target audience is high school students who are in the preparatory year. With the activities we have designed, students will be able to differentiate between the different uses of the verbs “earn” and "win." When it comes to the process of designing our material, we first focused on the initial step to test the students background knowledge. Then we moved on to the discovery learning part in the second step, aiming to make students use corpus by themselves. The third step was teacher-directed, asking students to accomplish the activities by checking the examples provided by the teacher. And the last activity was the practice part, where students could apply all the knowledge they received.
The main hardship that I think might occur during the integration of our design is that students might need more time to evaluate and apply the knowledge they gain since the activities ask for a detailed and quick evaluation of what they learned.
This is all I can say for now, dear followers. I hope I can help you gain some idea about what corpus integration is and how it is done. I also hope that our design can inspire you. I hope to see you again. Take care of yourselves until then. Thanks for reading me!